Away Together
Away Together
Bad online reviews significantly impact the booking rate of an accommodation. Lack of communication between hosts and guests creates a reduction in satisfaction of an experience. Over 95% of travelers read online reviews prior to booking and 76% of travelers who crafted a bad review attribute lack of communication to the bad experience. Research shows that better communication can increase guest satisfaction and improve the likelihood of a good review.
Away Together is a smart/mobile phone application (app) with the capability of promoting positive reviews through enhanced experiences between accommodations and travelers. The app provides a platform that removes the communication barrier between an accommodation, the guest and fellow guests. The app will feature local attractions such as restaurants, shopping and entertainment and will serve as an all-inclusive mobile concierge. The app will encourage reviews after the completion of each interaction – whether at the accommodation or at another location (restaurant, activity, etc).
The team consists of Melanie Brewer and John Beuchert. Melanie has spent her entire professional career as a strategic communicator and John is a 22-year law enforcement, conflict resolution expert.
Away Together was born during a tropical storm in Turks and Caicos in 2018. As the raindrops fell, we realized there was no platform for the host to let us know what entertainment was available given the conditions. It was also impossible for us to communicate with our fellow travelers for even so much as a game of chess. From there, Away Together has grown to include regional service industry partners to provide the guest the ultimate travel experience.
Away Together brings the host, the guests, and the location all together on one platform to experience better experiences.